


  At 5:50,Aug.2, we left Fukaura and headed to Matsumae Port of Southern tip of Hokkaido, closest town to Honshu. On the way we could enjoy thrilling sailing for one hour, with 25kt closehold wind. After arriving at Matsumae at 13:30, we went for sightseeing to Matsumae Castle. In Tokugawa Period , a feudal lord ,Matsumae family, ruled Hokkaido using Ainu tribe like slaves, sad history.
     At 5:50, Aug.3, we left Mastumae and running toward Hakodate now. Temperature is 25deg.C, much lower than most of Honshu area.
Approaching Matsumae

At Matsumae Castle


In Tokugawa Period there was a conflict between Japan and Russia, and a Russian high class person Goronin was arrested in Matsumae, in return a Japanese big merchant Kahei Takadaya was captured and arrested in Kamchakka , Kahei returned on Rikordo's Ship and succeeded in negotiation with Tokugawa government to free Goronin. Descendant of these persons seems to have gathered in Matsumae in 1999.

At Matsumae Port

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